SNP Pomegranate Intensive Soothing Gel |
Memasuki bulan Juni dan Juli, cuaca di Jakarta terasa semakin kering dan panas. Apa lagi saat siang hari, karena panas sekali, rasanya ingin mandi es batu saja. Efeknya di kulit pun jadi terasa kering dan dehidrasi. Untuk mengurasi rasa gerah dan kering yang sering dirasakan oleh kulitku akhir-akhir ini. Akhirnya aku menemukan produk dari SNP yang sekiranya cocok untuk masalah kulitku, yaitu
SNP Pomegranate Intensive Soothing Gel. Mengandung 92% ektrak buah delima yang dapat memberikan kelembapan untuk kulit kering. Selain itu juga karena ada efek mendinginkan kulit yang bikin kulit terasa adem. SNP soothing gel juga memiliki tiga vatian lain seperti Bird's Nest Intensive Soothing Gel, Snail Intensive Soothing Gel, dan Aloe Vera Intensive Soothing Gel.
Starting of June and July, the
weather in Jakarta is getting drier and hotter. Especially during the day,
because it's so hot, it feels like I want to take an ice cube bath. The effect
on the skin, it feels dry and dehydrated. To relieve the hot and dry feeling
that my skin often feels lately. Finally I found a product from SNP that is
suitable for my skin problem. It’s SNP Pomegranate Intensive Soothing Gel.
Containing 92% Pomegranate extract which can provide moisture for dry skin. It
also has cooling effect on the skin that makes the skin feel refreshed. Not
forget to mention, SNP soothing gel also has three other variants, such as
Bird's Nest Intensive Soothing Gel, Snail Intensive Soothing Gel, and Aloe Vera
Intensive Soothing Gel.
Product Description
volume: 300 ml
harga (price): Rp.100.000
- Soothing gel multifungsi yang tidak lengket
dengan ekstrak buah delima yang menenangkan dan
melembapkan kulit serta memperbaiki kulit rusak.
- mengandung 92% buah delima, memberikan
kelembapan penuh pada kulit kering dan menenangkan kulit sensitif secara
efektif karena sinar UV dan lingkungan berbahaya
- Mendinginkan kulit yang panas dengan segera
dan memberikan kelembapan yang terkonsentrasi
- Dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif Skin
atau Serum pada langkah perawatan kulit pertama dengan daya serap ringan tanpa
lengket di kulit
- Mengandung 9 bahan alami seperti Chamomile, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, basil, sage, oregano, spearmint, lemon
- Tanpa pewarna buatan, minyak
hewani, minyak mineral, paraben, dan benzofenon.
Cara pemakaian: Ambil soothing gel secukupnya dengan
tangan dan oleskan kebagian wajah dan tubuh.
Kandungan bahan (Ingredients):
Water, Punica Granatum Fruit Extract (19,000 ppm), Alcohol, Glycerin, Carbomer, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Dipropylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol, Chlorphenesin, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Hydroxide, Allantoin, 1,2-Hexanediol, Centella Asiatica Extract, Propylene Glycol, Polygonum, Cuspidatum Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensisi Root Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Metha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf Extract, Lavandulan Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract, Melissa Officinalis Leaf Extract, Monarda Didyma Leaft Extract, Rosa Centifolia Flower Extract, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract, Mentha Rotundifolia Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Leaf Extract.
- A non-sticky multipurpose soothing gel with
pomegranate extract that calms and provides ample
hydration and moisture to the skin while repairing
damaged skin.
- Functional soothing effect, containing 92% pomegranate, it delivers full moisture to dry skin and soothes sensitive skin effectively due to UV rays and harmful environments
- Cools heated skin immediately and supplies concentrated moisture
- Lightly Texture without stickiness
- It can be used as an alternative for Skin or Serum on the first skin care step with lightly absorption without stickiness on skin
- Containing 9 different Herbal ingredients / 5-Free Prescription
- Herbal ingredients: Chamomile, rosemary, lavender, bergamot, basil, sage, oregano, spearmint, lemon balm
- 5-Free: artificial color, animal oil, mineral oil, paraben, benzophenone.
How to use: take an appropriate amount with your hands
and apply on to the face and body.
Kemasan (Packaging)
Pomegranate soothing gel dikemas dalam plastik jar transparan merah yang besar dan kokoh, terdapat penutup ganda di dalam kemasan agar produk tidak mudah tumpah, lebih terjaga keberisihan serta kualitas produk. Sayangnya, tidak terdapat spatula tambahan dalam kemasan. Pengambilan produk dalam jar disarankan dengan spatula agar tetap terjaga kerbersihannya, namun jika tidak mempunyai spatula. Harap pastikan tangan kita bersih sebelum mengambil produknya dari dalam kemasan.
Pomegranate soothing gel comes in a large
and sturdy red transparent plastic jar, there is a double cover inside the
packaging so the product does not spill easily and the cleanliness and quality
of the product are maintained. Unfortunately, there is no additional spatula in
the package. It is recommended to take the product in the jar with a spatula to
keep the product clean, but if you don't have a spatula. Please make sure your
hand is clean before using the product.
Tekstur dan Wangi ( Texture and Scent)
Tekstur: Memiliki tektur gel agak pekat yang transparan. Mudah di baurkan di kulit ketika digunakan dan memberikan efek dingin ketika menyentuh kulit. Karena tekstur dari produk ini agak tebal, butuh waktu sekitar 1-2 menit untuk meresap kedalam kulit. Setelah meresap, tidak meninggalkan rasa lengket. Pemakaian soothing gel dengan tipis atau tebal mempengaruhi waktu penyerapan produk ke kulit. Walaupun begitu, hasilnya setelah meresap ke kulit, tidak terasa lengket sama sekali.
Wangi: Produk ini memiliki wangi segar dan sedikit wangi manis dari buah. Buat aku baunya enak dan cukup menyenangkan, tidak menyengat dan baunya pun tidak bertahan lama. Masih terdapat kandungan fragrance yang tertera pada kandungan produk.
Texture: It has a slightly thick, transparent gel texture. It’s easy to blend and it gives cooling effect when touching the skin. Since the texture of this product is a bit thick, it takes about 1-2 minutes to absorb into the skin. Once absorbed, it doesn't leave a sticky feeling. Using soothing gel thinly or thickly will make the absorption time into the skin different. But even so, the result once absorbed into the skin, it does not feel sticky at all.
Scent: This product has a fresh fragrance and slightly
sweet fruity fragrance. It smells good and quite pleasant to me, not
overpowering and the smell doesn't last long either. There is still fragrance
content listed on the ingredients.
My Thought
Aku sudah menggunakan produk ini kurang lebih tiga minggu. Bisa dibilang dengan ukuran yang besar dengan harga segitu, produk ini terjangkau. Kegunaannya pun banyak, bisa di pakai seluruh tubuh untuk di jadikan pelembab wajah, sleeping pack, kulit tubuh yang kering, luka bakar, sunburn karena matahari. Produk ini paling sering aku pakai sebagai sleeping pack, biasanya pakai lumayan tebel dan di diamkan saja sampai meresap ke kulit. Sejauh ini, selain cooling efek nya bikin kulit wajah jadi adem, efek melembabkannya juga terasa di kulit keringku apa lagi kalau di pakai sebagai sleeping pack. Kalau di pakai sebagai pelembab sehari-hari, untuk kulit kering seperti kulitku, masih kurang melembapkan. Oh iya, aku juga sering banget pakai produk ini di luka bakar. Biasa deh, ibu-ibu yang suka ngerjain pekerjaan rumah pasti ada aja insiden kecipratan minyak panas, kesenggol wajan panas, atau kesenggol setrikaan. Nah, pakai soothing gel pomegranate di bagian yang kena panas di tubuh, bener-bener membantu luka ga tambah parah.
Secara keseluruhan, produk
adalah produk yang layak untuk
dibeli dan disimpan di rumah karena memiliki banyak fungsi.
been using this product for about three weeks. I could say with a large size
and that price, this product is affordable. It has many uses, it can be used
all over the body as face moisturizers, sleeping packs, dry body skin, burns, and
sunburns due to the sun. I use this product mostly as a sleeping pack, I
usually use it quite thick and leave it on until it is absorbed into the skin. So far,
I love the cooling effect, it makes my facial skin calm. I also can feel the
moisturizing effect on my dry skin, especially if I use it as a sleeping pack.
If I use it as a daily moisturizer for my dry skin, it's still not moisturizing
enough. I also use this product very often on my burns. For people who like to
do housework, sometimes a small incident happened, like hot oil splashing while
we cook, accidently touching a hot pan, or touching an iron while ironing the
clothes. Using
soothing gel pomegranate in the burn part, it really helps the wound not to get
Overall, it is such a worth product to buy and keep it at home because it has a lot of function.
Where to buy?
SNP Official Store
juga SNP Offical di Instagram @snpoffical.id untuk
tau promo menarik dari SNP.
follow SNP Offical at Instagram @snpoffical.id for further special discount and
See you
on the next post
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