What's on December ?
7:52:00 PM
Hello guys, it’s been a whileeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss my blog so much T___T
yeah I know, I haven’t update my blog for this past two months, and I will always come with lame excuses, yeah busy busy busy and busy! Sorry! huhuu
I hate collage life, and I have been through a lot this for past two months T___T
exam is very near, it’s in front of my eyes and I NEVER READY FOR IT!!!!!! T_____________T
let me tell you first what I’ve done on November.
on that fu**ing month, I waste all my time to do my “English Phonectics and Phonology” final project and paper, and It took around three weeks to do all that fu**ing sh*t . oh and my make up pre-order was also come in that month :*
oh my happiness kkkkkk~
I’m not buying a lot yeah, just some etude house skincare cuz I want something new and some drug store product that I already use for my daily.
Other than my December haul, I also got freebies makeup and skincare brand Wardah that I got from my sister!
yuhuuu I love freebies :*
what else? hmmmm
Oh thanks for christmas sale even though I’m not celebrate it but I bought two pairs of new wedges >< I love discount and sale muahahahah
and my brother gave me two pairs of new flat shoes brand “the little things she needs” as the presents
~ they are so cute kekekekke~
lil bit flashback,
In the beginning of December there was a conference for English Student for all around student in Indonesia, and it was held in my university for three days and two night. I was to be one of the volunteer in that event. this is my name card *v*
in that conference I met new friends from country side, and It was fun to have new friends from other city. I was taking care the students from Univesitas Negeri Malang, three days with them my accent lil bit change to Javanese accent! OMG! but they are totally awesome! Looking forward for this kind of event in the future kkkkk~
another hectic days from me haven’t ended yet!
5 days after IESC event, my brother’s wedding on the progress of preparation! The whole family is busy ><
on the D-Day my brother’s wedding, the event turned out really well! everybody is happy, a lots of food, the bride and groom are handsome and pretty
andddddddddddddddd happy ending (?)
NOT for me! T___T
one day after the wedding party ended, I got fever for three days and my mom brought me to the hospital hiks 

I was hospitalizing for 4 days because of mosquito’s bite! yeah I got (DBD) or Dengue Fever. not just me who is being hospitalize, but also my sister because of the fever that never stop.
Being hospitalize is one of unforgettable moment in my life, everyday in pain because of the needles T__T let’s pray if it could be the last for me!
Here’s the pic me and my sister being hospitalize. LOL my face -__-
Tomorrow is still the nightmare for me cuz the exam. Let’s pray for my GPA this term, cuz I dont wanna fall again huhuu, it hurts so badly and it cause me in pain more than that the pain because of the needles LOL JK~
January 2014 come faster please. Too much pain in 2013 huhuuuu
Happiness and future boyfriend, I’M COMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING

Oh don’t forget to check out my Instagram, I post my makeup look there for my own happiness LOLOLOL
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