
Friday, December 27, 2013

acne experience

I really want to keep updating my blog, but I have so much assignment and presentation to do. Duh! *hell yeah collage life. Thanks to God, tonight I don’t have anything to do except browsing and searching about some skin care product. So, I got an idea to share my past experience with my troubled skin, yeah I have a lot acne, pimple and break out back then.
Get ready, it will be a long story :p
So, when I was in high school. Around 14 till I was 16 years old. I had really bad acne, fortunately not all around my face. My acne grew happily in the both of my cheeks and my chin. My forehead is always clean from acne even though I always put my bangs on. Amazing! Not forget to mention, I have an oily T-zone and there’s never be blackhead on my nose. My skin care back then, it just facial wash, toner, using facial mask for oily skin in once a week and baby talc powder lol baby talc powder, yeah because I’m too afraid to put anything on my face except toner and facial wash.
My very first facial wash is Biore acne care (the old style version), but that product makes my acne even worse. I used Biore for a year.
After that I tried Pond’s clear solution (also the old version). My acne was lessen, but my face not completely free from acne, just lessen. >.< ( I can’t find the pic)
I always stick in one product, because I’m afraid, if I try new product my acne would become worsen. I stick in use Pond’s for two years. Before I saw my sister’s face become free and lessen from acne hoho. Fyi, I have same typical face with my sister. Oily and full of acne.yiaks. I asked my sister, which product that she use. She said, she used Montholatum Acnes Treatment Series !
download (1)
Start from creamy wash, sealing gel, powder lotion, and compact powder. No! she provokes me to change my facial wash anyway. I did what she told. I started to change my pond’s clear solution into mentholatum acnes creamy wash. It was amazing! My acne lessen within month. I also used the sealing gel if there’s a red-lump acne in my face. If I used it in the night, in the morning my redness disappear. :D
Lol it was about the facial wash, wasn’t it? :p
How about my toner?
I'm not using toner :( I used Ovale Lotion anti acne to remove my all my makeup and  I have been using this product since 4-5 years ago! onther product from Ovale is fasial mask and I have been using Ovale facial mask Lemon (wash off) for acne and oily skin since 2 years ago :D . those product always make my skin better even they have strong alcohol scent.
(Ovale Lotion Anti-Acne)
(they have new version of this product, with less alcohol scent and with aloe vera, but I cant find the pic )
(Ovale Facial Mask Lemon)
Now is 2013. My face free from acne since 2011 :D
Since I was free from acne, I’m not using Mentholatum Acnes creamy wash anymore. It makes my skin turn dry sometime. Now , I use Pond’s white beauty pinkies-white facial wash to reduce my black spot. but I still using Mentholatum acnes sealing gel. It’s helping a lot for my PMS days if there’s some pimple
(Pond’s white beauty pinkies-white)
Ponds _White Beauty_ - Pinkish-White Glow Lightening Facial Foam with Pro-Vitamin B3-250x250
I think that’s enough for my story. I will do some product review later for the specific product.
(I’m not the owner of the pic that I share)
Thank you :*

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